Monday, 8 April 2013

The Late Baroness Thatcher...........

So Thatcher is dead.......

Well, I know a lot of people thought her a wonderful person........

But IMO, good riddance to bad rubbish.

I wouldn't have pissed on her if she was on fire.

Yet my feelings have surprised me, well the depth of my dislike anyway.

After all, she did some good didn't she ?

Well, again, IMO, no.

Today, people moan about the high cost of utility services, like gas, electricity, water, telephones, etc etc.

Thatcher sold them off. She sold all of "the family silver" off. And if anyone were to tell me that one of the right leaning think tanks hadn't suspected such a scenario as the one we currently live in here, I'll happily call them a fucking liar.

People moan about the lack of social housing, as it's now known. Of course, it was the old cow who sold it off, telling the former owners i.e. the local authorities, that they couldn't build more with the monies made from the sale.

Of course they couldn't. That would have completely screwed up her efforts at social engineering wouldn't it.

If you look at the majority of her policies, they saved enough money to buy votes by way of tax reductions etc, but have gone on to cost us all much more.

The current arse hole is no different. If he can't privatise any of the last remnants of state owned goods and/or services, he's doing his best to meddle with them so some of his parasitic "mates" can get their snouts in the trough too.

To cap it all, the fucking PM is trying to trump up enough enthusiasm to provide the old cow with some sort of pseudo state funeral. Something along the lines of what Diana or the Queen Mum had.

Well if I can work out how to complain about that I will. If the Tories want to pay for such an event out of their own pockets, or even some sort of public subscription, then that's fine, but to use tax payers money in any way, shape or form, I consider the misuse of public money.

The old bitch will have bled us dry during her life, while she was busy fucking the country up by any way she could, so she could get her way, so why the hell should she be able to have one last visit to our pockets in death ?

She's proving as divisive in death as she was in life.

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