So, we ended up with a majority in the EU referendum for the leave campaign.
Now the yanks have gone for the worst possible person for their next president.
In our case, it seems that the politicians are determined to get us out the EU, despite the fact that the referendum wasn't legally binding and was of an "advisory" nature.
If you read up on the stuff from both sides, you'll see lots of scaremongering type rubbish.
Personally, I was a remain voter not necessarily because I like Europe (I don't mind it actually and find our small cultural differences quite fascinating), but because of the umbrella of protection it offers us. The UK is the only major industrialised country that doesn't have a formal written constitution and bill of rights (there's a number of technical/legal reasons for that, but I won't bore you with them).
Most of the actual "rights" we enjoy, we have because they've been granted to us by some of the more fundamental pieces of EU legislation. Those are in turn, protected by the European Court of Justice.
By voting to leave, people will have voted away much of that protection. Are they fucking stupid ?
Most of the justification offered for voting to leave, appears to be irrational, emotional and ill-considered. With a little bit of research, those "fears" can be found and proved to be total bollocks. The thinking of small minded, brain dead sheep.........
The EU isn't perfect. But it's better than letting all of our politics in the hands of establishment vested interests, who seem dead set on screwing us over while lining their own pockets at our expense........
Seems that the American voting public are just as gullible by voting for Trump as their next president. But things in the last few days seem to be changing. He seems to be spouting less of the fascist xenophobic tirades and seems to be alluding to not being able to make such sweeping changes like those promised in his campaign speeches/rallies.
Perhaps that now he's got the nod from the voters, he's learning just how much he can't do or that he's starting to show that he's working to a different agenda than the one that comes from the ultra republican types.......
Watch this space.......
Either way, if he's a complete fuck up, they can vote him out in 4 years. Whereas once we're out the EU, we're stuck with it. There's no turning back..........