I was hoping to produce a sensible, well reasoned, logical, rational commentary about the forthcoming EU referendum.
I've just spent a couple of hours trying - and failing.
Why ? because the more I think about it, the angrier I get.
I'm happy to be up front, inasfaras, I'm in favour of the country remaining part of the EU.
Equally, I'm happy to apologise if this comes across as a bit of a rant, that's not how I want it to be but WTF, if that's how any possible reader feels that I've expressed myself in that way, well there's little I can do about that.
I'm generally of the view that I wouldn't piss on the tories if they were on fire. When I was first learning about life, politics and all that, I read the manifestos of all three of the main political parties for my first election. Don't know entirely why, just that it seemed to be the right and fair way to work out what I believed.
I concluded that it was "the Labour view" that most closely matched my own views and thoughts. They seem(ed) to offer the fairest deal to the largest number of people.
I haven't seen much to change that. I don't agree with the current Labour leader. It seems that many of his views and ideas are too far left for me, but I consider myself democratic, so will go with the majority......
As above, I'm no tory, but Camerons views and more so the former prime minister John Major have made sense. Coming from a political direction that I wouldn't normally trust or believe.
So far, of the various commentary, media articles etc that have been published or broadcast, only the Yes/Remain side of the argument makes any sense. Sure, much of it paints the "worst case scenario" of leaving, while the No/Leave campaign have just stood there pointing the finger and trying to say it's all scaremongering.
Well all you No/Leave campaigners, all the pieces that you've managed to present/say/broadcast have left me with far too much uncertainty and questions.
I'd happily say "lets go" if there was some safe guards. Like having a formal, written constitution and bill of rights so that whatever happens, I wouldn't be any worse off than I currently am. Maybe they should delay the referendum, so that all of the No/Leave campaigners can be recorded and listed, then if they are wrong and we are worse off, they can be stripped of their wealth and assets, so that those of us who think that leaving the EU is a bad idea could have any loses covered - while they wouldn't have a pot to piss in as this ill-considered idea is theirs in the first place.
None of us like to think that we might be wrong, I get that, but so far all the various stuff announced, released, published etc suggests that it's not that we won't be worse off by leaving, it seems we will, but they can't say by how much worse off we'll be. The numbers seem to be worst case as well.
Personally I already feel that I work hard enough for the little that life affords me, without having the possibility of even less, while those in positions of power and influence get more. It's unlikely to affect them in the way it's more likely to impact us "ordinary workers", so lets not give those who think they're superior to the rest of us any more power/influence/wealth etc and end up with the gap between the haves and have nots even wider........